Friday, April 19, 2013

The french doors by edech

The film The French door takes place New Zealand in the day time/ night time
The film tells the story of the guy that died.
The door makes everything evil an it changes everything to black.        .
At first, he just bought a new house and was fixing it up an put a new door in his house.
Then, he wakes up in the morning an its nice outside but when he looks threw the new door he put in called the French doors. It seems to be dark when he looks threw the door but when he looks out the window its bright an sunny. He goes out of the French doors an looks around but when hes coming back to the house to go in he sees a black man in his house. Then as he goes in he grabsa saw but as he does he gets knocked in the head with a pan an fell to the ground an got draggd out of the house threw the French doors.
In the end, he got dragged out an was never seen again so I am guessing that he died.     
On the whole, this film was scary because the way the music was playing then out of nowhere a black thing came it was weird slash scary.

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